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Print the values of one or more expressions to the script console pane, using a format string.

void PrintFormat(string format, ...)

If a print file has been opened, additionally writes those values to the print file.

This is useful when:

  • There are a number of arguments and or text to intersperse with those arguments
  • When specific formatting of values is needed. e.g. only two decimal points (2d.p.) or with zeros in front.
PrintFormat("The X, Y Z values of point01 are {0}, {1},
{2}", point01.X, point01.Y, point01.Z);
PrintFormat("{0}\\{1}{2:D4}", stringFilePath, stringFileName,

The values in brackets list correspond to the number of arguments on the right. The first one is {0}, the second is {1}, the third {2} etc. The user can specify as many as need be. Formatting can also be applied to these values see below:

Special Characters:

New line
Carriage return
back slash

Formatting Values

C Currency          
PrintFormat("{0:C3}", 1.2345)  // $1.234
F Fixed Point       
PrintFormat("{0:F3}", 1.2345)  // 1.234

(Specifies max. decimal places—fills with zeros necessary)

G General or Scientific    PrintFormat("{0:G3}",
1.2345)  // 1.23 
D Decimal PrintFormat("{0:D4}", 12)  // 0012

(Used for whole numbers. How many digits. Extras filled with zeros before number. Useful for creating file numbers like 001, 002 for .jpg's or such like)

E or e Exponent              
  PrintFormat("{0:E3}", 12)  // 1.27E-001

also useful are:

0      Zero Placeholder                                 
#      Digit placeholder
.      Decimal Point
,      Group Separator or multiplier
%      Percent Notation
'x'    Literal String quote
\      Literal Character quote
;     Section separator
E0, E+0, E-0, e0, e+0, e-0 Exponent Notation

Custom Formats:

Formatting values can be used for custom formats

Pound Sterling                     
PrintFormat('{0:'£'00.00}', 0.127);  // £00.13
PrintFormat("{0:#%}", 0.127)  // 13%
	PrintFormat("{0:00.00%}", 0.127)  // 12.7%

Display values differently according to values

PrintFormat('{0:#.##;(#.##);0.00}', 0.127);   // .13
	PrintFormat('{0:#.##;(#.##);0.00}', -0.127); 
// (.13)
	PrintFormat('{0:#.##;(#.##);0.00}', 0.00);  //